Trip 25: October 6–october 13 / Arizona Fall League Tour / Come See The Stars Of Tomorrow
Major League Baseball created the Arizona Fall League to serve as an off-season “graduate school” for top prospects in each team’s organization. The AFL allows these top prospects to showcase their talent in front of many general managers, scouts and minor league directors.
The Arizona Fall League has six teams; each team is made up of top prospects from all the major league teams. All the games are played in the Phoenix area at the Spring Training facilities of the major league teams. This is baseball’s best kept secret—great seats, great talent, great baseball.
This trip includes lodging for seven nights at a Scottsdale Old Town hotel, tickets for all the games and ground transportation to all the games. We will check into the hotel on October 6 and will attend six to nine games at all six parks during the week, concluding with the Rising Stars All Star Game on October 12. Exact itinerary will be provided as soon as the schedule is announced this summer.
Price per person: $1195 Double – $1045 Triple – $995 Quad – $1695 Private